Herbs of Grace recommends all of our Natural Color™ shades for your eyes, depending on your skin tone and personal preference
Our Shimmer Collection shades have varying degrees of lustre and brighten your face up with a soft, healthy glow. Our Matte Collection shades are soft and velvety with little to no shimmer with the exception of Silver Moss, which does have a low lustre. They are smooth and very concentrated - a little goes a very long way!
We recommend using a dark shade of one of the following colors: taupe, brown, blue, purple, grey or green for an eye liner, which can be applied wet or dry with our Eye Liner Brush
Then it's up to you to pick a lid, crease and highlight color! Depending on your personal preference you may wish to match your lid color to your eyes or to your outfit. We find that the greens beautifully accentuate green eyes and so forth. Eye colors can be applied wet or dry in sheer layers with the fluff side of our Duo Angle/Fluff Brush. And don't forget to use our Crease Brush for flawless crease color application.
If you like to add color to your eyebrows, try a taupe or brown. You can apply eye brow color wet or dry using the Eye Liner Brush or the angle side of our Duo Angle/Fluff Brush.
To learn more about using our Natural Color mineral makeup, see our Mineral Makeup Application Tips article.
Please click on a color name or color swatch for complete product information
Note: website colors may vary slightly from actual product colors.
Neutral Matte Collection (3)
Purple Shimmer Collection (3)
Purple Matte Collection (3)
Blue Shimmer Collection (3)
Blue Matte Collection (3)
Green Shimmer Collection (3)
Green Matte Collection (3)
Taupe Shimmer Collection (3)
Grey Matte Collection (3)
Brown Shimmer Collection (3)
Brown Matte Collection (3)
Coral Shimmer Collection (3)
Coral Matte Collection (3)
Pink Shimmer Collection (3)
Pink Matte Collection (3)